Lets say you are writing a marketing brief for twitter blue. Should you title your confluence subpage page “Twitter Blue – Marketing” or “Marketing – Twitter Blue”?
Think about it for a bit. Then read ahead.
IMO it depends on whats the name of top level space/ page of which your page is subpage of. If the top level page is “Marketing” containing marketing plans of all products then the title of your page should be “Twitter Blue – Marketing”. If the top level page is “Twitter Blue” containing all pages regarding that product, then it should be “Marketing – Twitter Blue”. This is to reduce the number of words I need to read in the table of content to get to the context.
Sometime the vertical navigation bar will not show full title of all pages and you want the reader to figure out what is your page talking about without clicking on 10 wrong pages first. Just look at the example below.
Clearly the 2nd section is easier to read.