Note: This is a purely hypothetical train of thought. There are tonnes of logical ways to invalidate what is written here and I personally may not agree with the extreme point presented here.
Having said that, here is the proclamation I want to convince you of here: Either you should have kids or you should die.
Let’s start with a basic premise that most of us should agree with:
Life objective of a human should be to maximize overall joy and minimize overall misery in this world.
Can we agree on that? Yes? Let’s move ahead.
Now, There are two views you may have about future of average human life. Either you believe a typical human life has more joy than sorrow, or it has more sorrow than joy. If you believe there is more sorrow than joy, that the future is bleak, and earth is turning to hell, why do you want to keep living? Why do you want to suffer this misery? It makes objective rational sense in this premise to choose the most painless mode of death and end it. Escape the misery
And, if you believe there are more pleasures and joy in life than sorrow, that humans tend to enjoy life and life is worth living, the easiest way to increase the overall “joy” in this world is to have more humans. By not having kids you are robbing this world of their joy.
Thats it. That’s the argument.
Do I agree completely with the above argument? Well I can certainly poke holes in it, I can think of more than a couple if “but, what about xxx” type arguments.
Do I believe there is some kernel of truth in the argument? Also, Yes.