
Empathy is Hard.

For the majority of my life I have been baffled by a very deep, very stupid question. “How can someone who has taken a loan, enjoy anything?” Now, I understand why that would sound stupid to you. It sounds stupid to me now. But as a twelve year old kid, all I could think when […]


Can we really achieve a Global Village

On July 10th of 2018, in accordance with the philosophy of the celebrated marvel villain Thanos, half of the r/thanosdidnothingwrong subredditers were banned. Over six hundred thousand users participated in the biggest social event of 2018 including celebrities like the Russo Brothers and Josh Brolin. This probably was the epitome of Marshal Mcluhan’s global village […]


Why you shouldn’t post your political views on Facebook.

Source The 2019 elections are coming up and you are preparing to turn your Facebook feed into a “House of Cards”ish political drama. Don’t. There are a shit ton of reasons why you shouldn’t post your political views on facebook but, let’s first discuss few reasons why you would want to post them. 1] You […]


One week of Algo-free lifestyle

I probably spend 80% of my free time on the internet. Of this probably 95% is spent on sites/apps which heavily personalize their content for me. These sites and services try to learn anything and everything about me and use it to distract me, suck up as much of my attention as they can. Facebook/ […]


The Medium - Message Fit

I am pretty sure you are annoyed by facebook posts like the one below. The “Tag this guy/ tag that girl/ tag that Apache Helicopter” genre of Facebook posts has proliferated in my news feed in the last year. These kinds of posts have minuscule entertainment value but still, generate massive activity because people keep […]


Some TV that I used to know

The year was 2007. The place, my school. The last bell rang. We rushed out of the classroom like bubbles of well-shaken soda bottle and headed for bicycle stand. A debate started heating up about the current form of Yuvraj Singh and the upcoming T20 world cup as we headed back home. Although I was […]


Two major disadvantages of Smartphone revolution in India The unmitigated advantages of Internet and Smartphone proliferation is one of the things I have changed my mind about in last few years. There is no doubt that the current Smartphone and internet revolution that is happening in India is going to be cause of many fundamental changes in Indian society. But some of […]


How I fell in love with twitter

For the most part of my life, I did not understand how Twitter worked. I remember when I was in middle school, someone told me, Twitter is just like Orkut and I created an account. I logged into Twitter for the first time and I had no idea what I was supposed to do. What […]


My introduction to F1

I have done it. I followed the complete F1 2017 season. This may not sound like an achievement, but for a 22-year-old who hasn’t ever followed any sport in his entire lifetime, it is a special achievement. Until March of this year, I didn’t use to follow any sport. Of course, as an Indian, I […]


The Uber bond- The finances of future transportation

Uber’s self driving efforts Almost everyone in the technology space is expecting self-driving cars to be future of personal transport. The day is not far when you would get up in the morning, get ready for work, and as you open your front door, a car rolls right in front of you. You get in the […]