
Sleeping under a flyover

Day 1/31

Almost a year ago, one night I tried to sleep under a flyover.


From an economic PoV not having a place to sleep could be the worst thing that ever happens to me. And there is this whole stoic thing to face the worst case scenario to relieve the fear of it.

Btw, I didn’t technically sleep under a flyover, because I just couldn’t sleep, I did spend about an hour and half lying there trying to sleep though. In any case, here are my observations from 1.5 hours under the bellandur flyover:

  • Big roads and flyovers are actually not a good place to sleep. These roads are still very busy at 2 o clock at night and there will be too much noise for a good night’s sleep.
  • The piss smell is much more noticeable when your nose it at the ground level while lying
  • Way way more of public roads and flyovers are covered in pigeon shit than you would have realized
  • Random dogs might come and sniff you while you are trying to sleep
  • You really cannot cover your head while sleeping, you don’f feel secure enough to do that.

Pro tips if you wanna try something similar.

  • Do it in areas with less mosquitos
  • Storefronts in quite lanes >>> flyovers/roads. You will have a much peaceful night
  • Carry at least 2 blankets, cold from the floor is a much bigger concern than you might think
  • Full sleeve shirts and full pants. Always. Preferably a scarf to cover face as well.

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